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A la concept

Dedicated Management with Personal Service

A la concept team dedicates their heart and in-depth experience to each project to ensure the highest quality service is provided.  Our goal is to satisfy each client’s personal design needs and specifications.  We value your vision and work with our professional resources to provide the best sourcing and execution for your project.  In the planning stage and during the renovation period, we work closely with our clients to ensure the project is well-organized, executed smoothly, delivered on time and within budget. 

We have a  team which allows us to stand out from our competitors.  We provide designs that are not only creative and aesthetically appealing but are also practical and enjoyable.  Our team is very creative, passionate and detailed oriented.  We always follow up with every aspect of the project during and after the renovation to ensure the project remains on schedule and within budget.

We hope to be able to work with you in the future to make your design dreams become a reality. 

Ms Amy Lo - Director

Ms. Amy Lo has extensive experience in the interior design industry.  Ms. Lo obtained her B.A. in Interior Design from Bournemouth University (U.K.) in 2000.  After graduating, Ms. Lo oversaw the design and marketing teams.  In 2010, Ms. Lo launched A la concept Ltd.  She is also a member of Charter Society of Designers.














A la concept

嚴緊管理 貼心服務

A la concept成立於2010年,由充滿熱誠的專業團隊組成,為客戶提供富創意具質素的設計服務。從設計概念,空間規劃,預算控管,工程監督, 手工品質,皆以專業,優質用心的服務達至客人之需求, 確保施工過程完善準確。



Ms Amy Lo -創辦人

創辦人羅雅薇小姐(Amy Lo)畢業於英國Bournemouth University(室內設計學士學位) ,英國特許室內設計師會員。羅氏以接近二十年之設計及市場企劃經驗,風格廣泛由東方古典,優雅北歐,日本和風及至Loft工業風,得以色彩與材料配合其突破創新。

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